Parade of Portugal 2013

No ano de 2012, tive a honra de ser ser convidado por Cindy Marthishius, Presidente do, The Estrela Mountain Dog Asociation of America, para julgar esta Grande Parada de promoção das raças Portuguesas nos EUA. Este foi o email promocional:

Atenção!! Attention!! Atenção!! Attention!! Atenção!! Attention!! Atenção!!
The Estrela Mountain Dog Association of America is proud to announce the 2012 Parade of Portugal.
Parade of Portugal 2012
When: June 14th 2012, Thursday. Ring time to be announced later. DOS Entries 11-12:30
Where: Kalamazoo MI. - In conjunction with the UKC PREMIER.
What: UKC recognized All Portuguese Breeds Specialty.
Judge: The Honorable Rui Gonçalves.
Learn: Ask the expert about the Portuguese Breeds! This is a great opportunity for UKC judges to learn!
Featured Breeds: Podengo Portugueso, Estrela Mountain Dog, Portuguese Water Dog, Portuguese Sheep Dog, Portuguese Pointer and Castro Laboreiro.
The Parade Marches on in Michigan.
This year we are honored to have Rui Gonçalves as our judge.  Veterinary surgeon since 1984, FCI American Cocker & Portuguese Water Dog Breeder, National and International Judge since 1997 judging in Spain, France, Belgium, Sweden and Finland.  Currently serving on the Technical Commission of the Portuguese Kennel Club (cpc). Licensed to judge Portuguese Breeds, FCI groups 7, 8 and many individual breeds.

Come to the Parade of Portugal and also catch other special events the United Kennel Club has to offer, including the Top Ten, Performance Dog Events, Ultimate Air Dogs, Weight Pull, Rally, Obedience, 3 Regular Conformation shows, in addition to many other breed specialty shows.
DOS $25; NLC $10; PE $20 received by May 9, 2012
More information? Contact us at or

Atenção!! Attention!! Atenção!! Attention!! Atenção!! Attention!! Atenção!!

Em 2013 será assim:

Atenção!! Attention!! Atenção!! Attention!! Atenção!! Attention!! Atenção!!
The Estrela Mountain Dog Association of America is proud to announce the 2013 Parade of Portugal.
Parade of Portugal 2013
When: June 12th 2013, Wednesday. Ring time is 1:15pm. DOS Entries 11:30-12:30
Where: Kalamazoo MI. - In conjunction with the UKC PREMIER.
What: UKC recognized All Portuguese Breeds Specialty.
Judge: The Honorable Maria Amelia Taborda.
Learn: Ask the expert about the Portuguese Breeds! This is a great opportunity for UKC judges to learn!
Featured Breeds: Podengo Portugueso, Estrela Mountain Dog, Portuguese Water Dog, Portuguese Sheep Dog, Portuguese Pointer and Castro Laboreiro.
The Parade Marches on.
This year we are honored to have Maria Amelia Taborda as our judge.   Known for Atwater and Casa Dos Herdeiros Newfies, World Dog Show winning dogs!  Currently serving on the Technical Commission of the Portuguese Kennel Club (CPC). Licensed to judge All Portuguese Breeds, International FCI groups 2, and many individual breeds.

Come to the Parade of Portugal and also catch other special events the United Kennel Club has to offer, including the Top Ten, Performance Dog Events, Ultimate Air Dogs, Weight Pull, Rally, Obedience, 3 Regular Conformation shows, in addition to many other breed specialty shows.
DOS $25; NLC $5; PE $20 received by May 31, 2013
Make fees payable to the Estrela Mountain Dog Association of America
More information? Contact us at:

Parabéns colega Amélia Taborda por teres sido a escolhida deste ano e votos de uma boa viajem e um excelente trabalho no julgamento e promoção das nossas nobres Raças Caninas.


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